2 thoughts on “Welcome to the HALT Network Committee BLOG!

  1. HALT Admin says:

    Hello steering committee members. This is YOUR space to use as a sounding board – post ideas, comments and to help you as a committee communicate with each other away from your work email space.

  2. Mgoldstein says:

    Folks I thought I’d try to collate here the suggestions that accompanied what could be included in an introductory message to the HALT network aiming for as early as practicable in Term 2:
    – A message to HALTs to alert them to the potential that remote learning holds for them to support/mentor colleagues who are aspiring HALTs.
    – Noting that the ‘substitution’ of teaching methods is not in itself Leadership and cannot lead to a dilution in the quality of the higher level standards.
    – Noting that there are aspects of remote learning that are addressed at HA level and this is an opportunity for professional reflection by aspiring HALTs on their practice.

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